
Confidence, being happy, staying positive with a smile

At times the most important issues leave you for a while

It is all part of dementia they say

A price for which we all have to pay

Some bounce back

Some never ever get back on track

To wallow in one’s self-pity, poor me, with a limited future, I will not last

Get that out of your head fast

People will refuse help of any kind.

Placing a time frame on life will leave you in that frame of mind

Aches and pains will follow suit

Get up, go for a walk and eat some fruit

Poor me should never enter your mind

Get out, enjoy life, be positive, it is contagious if  to others you be kind

Asking before Action

Learning to crawl before you can walk

Not jump ahead experience only comes with time as I talk

Humble pie sometimes I have to eat

Readily admitting mistakes, taking a back seat

Asking before action

This will always lead to less traction

Thomas Edison said ” I didn’t fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention of 1000 steps”

My day of whinges

I now find I am at a point where decisions have to be made each and every day

As comprehension and concentration become a major issue and are here to stay

Typing is now at a point That has gone past frustration

Fingers and brain, no communication

Comprehension reminds me of garage door left open all the time

Wind comes in swirls around then leaves, seems like a crime

These issues are what you think about when people say you are to young for that, because I know

Because we don’t dribble and symptoms don’t show


Having FTD can and usually does present problems abound

When reality strikes you need family around

Some symptoms will appear to go away

Some become more frequent and stay

New symptoms seem to appear day by day

This is a price you have to pay

Many issues are not visible and many people do not see or believe

Cognitive functions decrease every day

New frustrating issues are here to stay

Turning all of this into a positive is hard for some

For me it is a part of FTD with more to come

I choose to accept it, not letting my frustration show


Happiness comes from within

Sometimes thick, sometimes thin

Usually delivered with a smile

Hangs around for a short time or for a while

Even if your head is not in the right place

It does not always show on your face

So, strap yourself in for the ride that’s called life

Maybe improvement and happiness can be achieved with just you and your wife


At times I stop and take stock of what I do

Am I really making a difference  to perhaps one or two

Then I compare where I was to where I am now

I am alive, everyday is a new start, makes me say “WOW “

i read about how many people struggle every day

For a few days a year that is okay

Talk, laugh, sing and shout

You are a real person with plenty of clout

It is my choice to be positive all the time

This insidious disease can take a back seat while we all shine

Cold or Old

Winter is coming, getting colder

You seem to feel it more as you get older

Under the nice warm Doona you want to stay

in years gone by it was light the fire, now it’s push a button so the kids can be warm whilst they play

You think about what jobs need to be done

Family coming for dinner, what time will they come

No time for procrastinating, get out of bed

Clear your head

Go to the LOO and make some noise for all to hear

Now start your day without any fear

Shiver, shiver, shake , shake, is it that it is really cold


Am I just getting old


Some people speak truths, some think they do

Some people think they do, but this is not true

I prefer honesty and integrity over all others

some are obvious by their actions, preferring to stay under the covers

In a perfect world this would not be

Just like dementia you see

Being positive through thick and thin

Thinking about this makes me grin

Determination must be maintained at all times

HA HA when was that

You know it is funny

Keying in a new password , should stick in your brain like honey

One wrong key and ” dam stupid computer ” is heard

Three times with no luck at all, reach for the book then all is concurred

Dementia again, partly right, partly wrong

Years gone by, no problems, when my brain was strong

HA HA, when was that I ask

Then I laugh, just like the sticky notes, white board, desk calendar, electronic calendar, all a task

All of this brings a smile to my face

BOY, how things have changed at our place

Hope this brings a smile to your dial as it did to mine